Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Angelic Reiki Session Starting at $80
~What to expect.
In Person Session:

When you arrive into the calm space, we will have a brief chat about any concerns you have about your health on any level (mental, spiritual, physical). A therapy table is used to support your body. You may lay comfortably (recommended) or sit on a chair for the session. Calm music is being played to guide your mind to let go.

A gentle placement of hands is laid upon your solar plexus area and higher heart area of the body. Touch is not necessary if you have any issues regarding so, just mention this before the session.

Energy is then given through the channel (practitioner) who is linked (has been attuned) to specific vibrations from Angelic, Ascended Master and Galactic Being archetypes and allowing this healing light to flow into your energy fields and physical body.

You may experience sensations of peace, colour, light, warm or cool temperatures, past memories, and thoughts of people or places thought long lost, receive messages from their higher self or be in a deep relaxed, almost sleep like state. There are no wrongs. The energy given is always perfect for exactly what you need at this time.

After you come out of the session, I share with you any messages or insights I received and you can also share your own insights and experience.

Total session time is 1 hour.

Distance Session:

This is similar to the in person session except that we chat over Skype or via telephone before hand, then you find a comfortable place to rest and play some calm music to help you relax.

Ultimately there is no time and no space when it comes to energy transmission, so I link to you virtually and send you this energy. People generally report feeling sensations and always feel very relaxed and peaceful. Sometimes distance sessions can be even more powerful because the client is in the comfort of their own space.

After the session is complete I connect with you again via Skype or telephone and we share the insights we received. 

To Book a session with Amandha please email:


  1. Do you want to What Is Reiki Healing is all about? Visit our YouTube channel Reiki on the Run, and watch the videos to gather more information about our healing method!
